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When did you join the committee?​




Why did you want to get involved with AACAL?


My son has used this service with great success and is now well established in his trade.


What do you think learners have to gain by enrolling with AACAL?​


Sometimes they have a better chance at success. It is a more personalized teaching with smaller groups.


In your opinion, as a society, what do we have to benefit from an increased level of education of the population?


More people have access to the workforce market and find better paying jobs.


Tell us about you!


I am a mother of three children and 6 grandchildren. I studied at the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton. I taught in the Bathurst region for 27 years and then transferred to the Francophone school in Miramichi where I teach trades.


I love spending time with my kids and my partner. I'm often found working on a construction project for one of my children. Framing and welding fascinate me. I am anticipating retirement to have more time to give at the community level.


I would like to offer basic trades courses to women.

Sylvie Robichaud: L'équipe
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